
Gas Station Zen

So you wake up one morning and decide that it’s time to change the world. You check your Facebook page, and are instantly inundated with a barrage of causes, petitions, tragedies, menial comments about food/children/animals and some incredible feats of daring. And none of it really resonates for some reason. That’s fine, and probably a sign of discernment and mental acumen.

How we present ourselves when conducting everyday tasks is a reflection of our teachings

In all reality, change is not going to occur through online condolences, arguments or attempting to convince strangers that your path is more righteous than theirs. Change starts small, at the gas station and the convenience store.  How we present ourselves when conducting everyday tasks is a reflection of our teachings, and a beacon of strength for those who may need the lift.  A smile, a kind word, humor, patience. These seemingly insignificant things are often reciprocated and recognized and have the ability to spider-web out into  the world. This is not a brand new concept, yet it’s still shockingly under-utilized.

We’ve all seen someone berating a gas-station attendant for some minor error that causes the whole line-up to be uncomfortable and groan, but handling the situation tactfully and respectfully has a powerful impact. Yeah you might be in a hurry or pissed off at the current gas prices but these are minor details rolling around the brain, that should not be projected onto others. Your tact and mindfulness demonstrates to others that trivial matters should remain trivial and that there are different paths and solutions. This is how change begins.

This quiet strength of mind and respect is exactly what the clerk, or someone in line might have needed to see that day, and causes a chain reaction that our egos may never be able to measure or instantly appreciate, but reverberates out into the community with a continuous ripple effect. For any conscious warrior that wishes to affect positive change, there are all kinds of causes and battles out there, but gas station Zen is such a simple, effective practice that it should not be ignored.

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